The purchasing process within an organization is to specify what and how many are their needs for goods and services, companies require professionals with central and current thoughts of management, who know effective methods and strategies to improve purchasing practices with strategies of supply of the company.
The purchasing process within an organization is to specify what and how many are their needs for goods and services, companies require professionals with central and current thoughts of management, who know effective methods and strategies to improve purchasing practices with strategies of supply of the company.
The purchasing process within an organization is to specify what and how many are their needs for goods and services, companies require professionals with central and current thoughts of management, who know effective methods and strategies to improve purchasing practices with strategies of supply of the company.
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Jhon Smith Perez
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Hace énfasis en las técnicas y herramientas para saber cómo a linear las políticas de compensaciones; sueldos fijos, variables, prestaciones,
beneficios al personal con los objetivos y estrategias de la empresa, así como para responder a las necesidades e intereses de todo el personal en su conjunto y a las particulares de cada grupo de personas.